Our mission

A healthy weight for everyone..

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Recommended by doctors
Personal support from dieticians
Without medication/medical intervention
More than 20 years of research and experience

Welcome to Prodimed

Excess weight can lead to serious physical and mental health issues. Maybe you have tried everything to lose pounds, but without lasting results. Why is that? The problem is not being tackled at its core. That is exactly what we do, in accordance with a unique, medically justified approach.

Prodimed has been actively working on research and development in the field of responsible nutrition and obesity prevention for more than 20 years. This website tells you all about our evidence-based programme that takes you to a healthy weight in three steps. A weight that suits you. Developed in collaboration with health professionals and food professionals, recommended by doctors, supported by independent dieticians.

This website contains all the information you need about the Prodimed Programme. If you have any questions or need help, please do not hesitate to contact us. Or leave your details so we can get in touch. Completely without obligation, of course.

More about Prodimed

Excess weight tackled at the core

Obesity is health issue number one all over the world. More than 200 physical and mental issues can be directly or indirectly attributed to unhealthy excess weight. For example, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Joint and bowel issues. Sleeping problems and depression. Such complaints are mainly due to imbalance and inflammations in the body, caused by excess weight. The body is sick. Prodimed heals the body.

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Unique approach with lasting results

Different from other diet methods, the Prodimed Programme tackles the weight problem at its core. Our priority is not ‘a great figure’ and fast weight loss. Prodimed offers you a structured way of reaching the weight that suits you. And staying there! Because that is where the Prodimed Programme is different too. It is aimed at the long term, a permanent result.

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The cause of the diseased body is addressed.


The body recovers and you reach your target weight.


You adopt a healthy eating and living pattern.

You book your first phone consultation online.
The dietitian who will be your personal counsellor will call you for an initial meeting and explain the programme. Together, you will create a personalised plan. All done online.
Start Prodimed Programme
Together with your dietitian, you decide when to start. The Prodimed Starter Kit contains all the nutrition and supplements for a healthy start.
With the right food and supplements, we relax your body and start burning fat.
The body's natural recovery process is initiated. Prodimed meals are gradually replaced by your own meals.
Personal guidance and nutritional supplements help you maintain healthy eating habits and lifestyle.

Personal online support from a dietician

From the very first introduction to the end of the control phase, you will receive one-to-one support and motivation from an independent dietician. Your personal coach, who will contact you at arranged times, and who you can ask for support as often as you want. All consultations are online, they are part of the full programme and are completely free of charge.

Varied, delicious meals

You can choose from a wide range of high-quality food products. Varied and tasty. The protein-rich meals have been developed and formulated by Prodimed. In the rest and recover phases, they stimulate the your body’s recovery and fat metabolism. After this, you will start to prepare your own healthy meals again as soon as possible.

Everything at hand with MyProdimed

The more convenient the phases are for you, the better you will succeed in reaching your target weight and maintaining it. View your personal plan, your progress, your points for action or attention anywhere and anytime on MyProdimed (on the website or in the app on your smartphone). It is very easy to order your meals and supplements through MyProdimed. What’s more: It is your direct line to your personal coach.

You book your first phone consultation online.
The dietitian who will be your personal counsellor will call you for an initial meeting and explain the programme. Together, you will create a personalised plan. All done online.
Start Prodimed Programme
Together with your dietitian, you decide when to start. The Prodimed Starter Kit contains all the nutrition and supplements for a healthy start.
With the right food and supplements, we relax your body and start burning fat.
The body's natural recovery process is initiated. Prodimed meals are gradually replaced by your own meals.
Personal guidance and nutritional supplements help you maintain healthy eating habits and lifestyle.
Schedule an appointment